
End of the Year Writing Reflection

As a writer, at the beginning of the year, I believed that a great essay contained a lot of background information but I was misinformed on how to use this within essays. Instead, what I would do is just merely summarize the text as shown in my colonial essay written in October, Mrs.Nagi told me to "condense some of this retelling of the process for more analysis" much of my essays contained loads of retelling with little analysis and this was a habit that I started off at the beginning of the year. My essay structure and openers were always good and I was able to show good organization skills throughout the years. A common problem within my essay that was not fixed to my full abilities was grammar and standard English conventions, I misspelled also of words throughout my essay and this should of have been because it made it hard for my essay to be read and it took away professionalism from my essay. A passage that showed how my writing improved was the rhetorical analysis

My Three Englishes

My Three Englishes The funniest memories in my family have occurred when we go out to eat. This is when my Spanglish is practiced the most. At home, I speak Spanish all the time since English is hard for my parents to understand and they speak broken English but over time my brother and I have esta asking si quiere...". I start to incorporate words like "guy" and "asking" into Spanish and sometimes there is even more English in my Spanish. For my parent's broken English they say words in Spanish in an English accent and hope that people understand for example instead of strawberry jam my dad likes to say strawberry ham and for spinach, my mom always says "espinash". Some words I have even adapted from my Spanish into English, for example, I say "jigabyte" instead of "gigabyte" because that is how it is pronounced in Spanish. So one of my Englishes would have to be Spanglish but it has slowly developed into my other Englis

A Modest Proposal on Body Standards

Herds of panicking teenagers pathetically stare at Instagram and swarm around Twitter. Gawking as their eyeballs follow the fictitious lives of Instagrammers and Youtubers. They zoom in like bees headed for honey on each new tip taken by these media gods as they upload overly photoshopped pictures taken with a million dollar cameras. Our Society's heroes are idolized less for their talents but more for their inhumane ability to receive a body that costs most than the average income of an American. But these heroes have the income to spend extensive amounts of money, cutting away pieces of them that are viewed as undesirable or enhancing their features to further flatter their artificial charm. Millions of talented teens are confined by big noses, huge limbs, and even bigger waists. This forces these adolescents into careers taking out the trash, unclogging toilets or other possibly even more horrifying jobs suited for their repugnant bodies. As I am surrounded by these unfo

The deceleration of a Junior

Actions of a Sixteen-Year-Old December 1, 2017 The unanimous Declaration of a Junior in high school WHEN in the course of high school events, it becomes necessary for one Sixteen-year-old to break free of the parental bands which have connected her with her family and to assume among the Natural Laws of Adolescence, the separate and equal Station to which the laws of nature and of High School Tradition entitle her, a decent Respect to the Opinions of the Young Woman requires that she should declare the causes which impel her to the Separation. SHE holds these truths to self-evident, that all juniors are created equal, that they are endowed by tradition with certain unalienable rights, that among these are charity week , dances and freedom--That to secure these Right, Requests are made to her parents, deriving their just powers from their belief in allowing her. But when a long list of Errors and Behaviors, pursuing invariably the same allowance, evinces a design to persuade th

How to love yourself more than anyone will ever love you.

I've always thought that loving yourself is one of the most important skills to have. Today I am going to teach you guys how to become the bestest version of yourself, my goal is that after you guys read this post you can all wake up with a smile on your face and love your mind and body. I mean who doesn't love a little body positivty? and no loving yourself and having your own views does not make you an outcast or in some cases (especially in a town called Salem in the 1600's ) it doesn't make you a criminal. To show you guys how to become the best version of yourself and become someone that loves themselves; my biggest and only tip is not to care what others think. Peer pressure is a strong thing and if all starts with mentality. When you are convinced by someone else that you aren't good enough or strong enough and you look up to them, it starts to get to you. "Let either of breath a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will to you

How to find the cutest shirts for the cheapest price

I know it may sound like a crazy concept to think that stores in malls have shirts for under $10 since cute clothing can be veryyyy expensive. But believe it or not, they actually do and many of these shirts probably started off as being $40 or more you just have to know when to buy them. Which is why I am going to give you guys a couple tips on how to find cute clothing items for unbelievable prices. Tip #1: When you enter a store don't just pick up the first things you see. The owners of the store do this on purpose because they know that of course, we will all want the most expensive and cutest looking things. "There's wealth enough, I need no more," (Bradstreet 51). We all want the wealth and riches even Anne Bradstreet did back in the 1500s. So these stores try to trick us into buying their expensive things. But here's a tip if you still want to wear these brands clothing but you don't want to buy a $60 shirt with a whale on the back . Go to the back o

How to survive high school....yes, it's possible

I am not one to rave about a poem unless I completely like it, especially when it comes to reading a poem in class. Since most poems that we are forced to read involve lots of pacing and annotating, It can be EXHAUSTING!!! But the poem of Indian Education by Sherman Alexie was one that I can for sure recommend to everyone. So in this post, I am going to teach how to get through high school because believe me it's possible. Alrightyyy so here we go.... Do ignore those stereotypes. Yes, as teenagers we are all going to judge people based on what everyone else thinks. We are going to define people's lives based on their looks, grades, and friends. But "Sharing dark skin doesn't necessarily make two men brothers," (Sherman Alexie). So how can you really judge someone by their looks if it doesn't really make them similar. One tip from me to you, to make this school year better is to meet and talk to people before giving them a title. Don't worry about