How to survive high school....yes, it's possible

I am not one to rave about a poem unless I completely like it, especially when it comes to reading a poem in class. Since most poems that we are forced to read involve lots of pacing and annotating, It can be EXHAUSTING!!! But the poem of Indian Education by Sherman Alexie was one that I can for sure recommend to everyone. So in this post, I am going to teach how to get through high school because believe me it's possible. Alrightyyy so here we go....

Do ignore those stereotypes.
Yes, as teenagers we are all going to judge people based on what everyone else thinks. We are going to define people's lives based on their looks, grades, and friends. But "Sharing dark skin doesn't necessarily make two men brothers," (Sherman Alexie). So how can you really judge someone by their looks if it doesn't really make them similar. One tip from me to you, to make this school year better is to meet and talk to people before giving them a title.

Don't worry about how much prettier Jane is... you are beautiful too.
In high school, the line to the girl's bathroom is a mile long and it can take you the whole lunch time to pee, we all love to stare at ourselves in the mirror and check our hair and outfit, myself included. Girl's judge themselves way tooo hard and many try to become someone that they're not,"I could hear voices from the girls' bathroom, nervous whispers of anorexia and bulimia," (Sherman Alexie). One thing that can help you out is to stop judging yourself based on how you look there will always be somebody prettier or more talented or more richer than you, but it shouldn't affect how you see yourself. We can thank The Duff for this great quote!!! So stop worrying about others and focus on finding yourself because that's all we can do.

Do try to find your voice and who you are.
High school is only four years. ONLY FOUR YEARS!! That's nothing. Every four years there's another world cup, another Olympics, another president. Trust me in one blink you can find yourself walking out with a diploma in one hand and your graduation cap in another. Once we graduate we all split up; some go abroad, others go to different states and some stay in their parent's basement. But no matter where life takes us, the person you are in high school is someone that you will carry around forever. The memories, the decisions and especially your voice are important, so try to figure out the person you want to be the rest of your life.

Don't let your past change who you want to be
Okay, your parents didn't graduate high school. So what? you are not them and you can learn from their mistakes. Okay, you never had the newest backpack in school, in fact, you had the same converse for six years. So what? Build your self a life in which you can buy 100 pairs of those neon green high tops. You should never feel downgraded by your history. Never let yourself be bullied because of what you are or who you where, because in the end the past already happned and you should always look up to the future.

That's it these are my tips to make high school a little bit better. But I mean can high school really be that great?? I don't know I guess i'll tell you when I graduate. See you guys later, I hope you all have a great week XOXO, Adriana.


  1. I love how you turned the text into an advice column. I agree that people should not focus on stereotypes and not let their past effect who they are. Do you think people make more self discoveries during high school or after they graduate?

  2. Great read! While I was finishing I was thinking about goals. If a student read your advice, would you suggest them to center their goals around your advice?


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