How to find the cutest shirts for the cheapest price

I know it may sound like a crazy concept to think that stores in malls have shirts for under $10 since cute clothing can be veryyyy expensive. But believe it or not, they actually do and many of these shirts probably started off as being $40 or more you just have to know when to buy them. Which is why I am going to give you guys a couple tips on how to find cute clothing items for unbelievable prices.

Tip #1: When you enter a store don't just pick up the first things you see. The owners of the store do this on purpose because they know that of course, we will all want the most expensive and cutest looking things. "There's wealth enough, I need no more," (Bradstreet 51). We all want the wealth and riches even Anne Bradstreet did back in the 1500s. So these stores try to trick us into buying their expensive things. But here's a tip if you still want to wear these brands clothing but you don't want to buy a $60 shirt with a whale on the back. Go to the back of the store they always have their sales racks on the back.

Tip #2: Anne Bradstreet said "My Hope and Treasure lies above," (Bradstreet 54). And I couldn't agree more don't you ever look at outfits online or in public and you just want them, to hope that you can look just as cute? well now you don't have to be like Anne Bradstreet and wait for God to help you, you can help yourself just use an app called The Hunt. (BTW THIS BLOG POST IS NOT SPONSORED IN ANY WAY). In this app, you can put a picture of some cute outfits and it will help you find similar clothing items with just a click of a button. It's super useful to get all of those cute outfits ready and I use it all the time.

Tip #3: This is my last tip of the day since I don't want to bombard you guys with clothing hacks since I am hoping to do some more in the future but another tip is to find your own style. Now you might be wondering how does this have to do with finding cheap clothing? But a lot of the more expensive things are actually what is "in style" or what a lot of people are wearing which is why stores make it so expensive. So if you find your own styles and find unique clothing pieces chances are they will be a lot cheaper so just bid everything "Adieu, Adieu, all's vanity," (Bradstreet 38). Since in the end, all is vanity and you should find your own style.

Well, these are my three shopping tips of the week, I'll see you all next time. XOXO Adriana.


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