How to love yourself more than anyone will ever love you.

I've always thought that loving yourself is one of the most important skills to have. Today I am going to teach you guys how to become the bestest version of yourself, my goal is that after you guys read this post you can all wake up with a smile on your face and love your mind and body. I mean who doesn't love a little body positivty? and no loving yourself and having your own views does not make you an outcast or in some cases (especially in a town called Salem in the 1600's) it doesn't make you a criminal. To show you guys how to become the best version of yourself and become someone that loves themselves; my biggest and only tip is not to care what others think.

Peer pressure is a strong thing and if all starts with mentality. When you are convinced by someone else that you aren't good enough or strong enough and you look up to them, it starts to get to you. "Let either of breath a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will to you in the black of some terrible night." In the crucible, Abigail Williams was able to convince all of those girls to follow her lead because she showed power and confidence. You can't go through life living like Betty or Mary Warren, you have to be your own Abigail. Show your confidence in yourself and that will radiate to other people. If you show that you love yourself than other people will too. Power is also a strong mentality for example in The Crucible, by law, Abigail Willams didn't have any power but because she was confident in herself other people respected her and they acted as if she did. when you believe in yourself other people will too. And if you don't feel confident in yourself fake it 'till you make it and one day you will have that confidence.

In addition, to show confidence and power, you can not let other people run you over or mold you into who they want you to be or make you say what they want you to say. You should live your life the way you want to because one day caring about what other people say more than what you think will stab you in the back.
"Proctor. Elizabeth tell the truth!
Danforth. She has spoken. remove her!
Proctor. Elizabeth, I have confessed it!
Elizabeth. Oh god!" (191, 960-963)
Now I'm not saying don't care about anyone but yourself but sometimes you have to fix yourself before you can fix others and to do this you can't let people tell you what to think. This happened to Elizabeth in The Crucible as she wanted to protect John instead of herself. In the play, everyone was so worried about their reputation and how they were perceived in the town but they didn't even know who they wanted to be as people and they just followed the social norms of the town. To become someone that you can live with and live a great life you can't do this. Before you follow what society tells you to be you have to discover for yourself what you want to be. I hope that by you discovering yourself and your confidence you can radiate in life and become someone that enjoys waking up every morning.

Many works of literature can be connected to real life advice which is what I am trying to do. I hope that by enlighting topics of The Crucible they can also become advice that people day to day can live by. I also hope that you guys found this advice usefull and I'll see you guys next time.


  1. I️ love this and I️ would have never thought about the connection you made with self loving and the Crucible. Interesting how you encourage to be your own Abigail but meaning confident but not a pathological liar. I️enjoyed reading this.


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