The deceleration of a Junior

Actions of a Sixteen-Year-Old
December 1, 2017
The unanimous Declaration of a Junior in high school

WHEN in the course of high school events, it becomes necessary for one Sixteen-year-old to break free of the parental bands which have connected her with her family and to assume among the Natural Laws of Adolescence, the separate and equal Station to which the laws of nature and of High School Tradition entitle her, a decent Respect to the Opinions of the Young Woman requires that she should declare the causes which impel her to the Separation.

SHE holds these truths to self-evident, that all juniors are created equal, that they are endowed by tradition with certain unalienable rights, that among these are charity week, dances and freedom--That to secure these Right, Requests are made to her parents, deriving their just powers from their belief in allowing her.

But when a long list of Errors and Behaviors, pursuing invariably the same allowance, evinces a design to persuade them under absolute desperation, it is her right, it is her Duty, to debate her parents, and to provide new Reasons for her future High school life.

She has refused assent to rules, the most wholesome and necessary for her personal good.

She has refused for a long Time, after many temptations, to do unright things; whereby other friends, incapable of sacrifice, have demanded permission, she remains in the meantime, good and still asking permission.

She has researched all of the ways to be safe, secure and distant from any danger for the sole purpose of not getting in trouble

She has combined with her friends in order to secure this safety, she acknowledges these friends to be good role models and show responsibility

By managing many classes
By giving up shopping at the mall
By saving money
By depriving herself, in many Cases, of buying new things

In every stage of her plan, she has petitioned her parents in the most humble Terms: Her repeated petitions have been answered only with the word No. A parent, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define overprotective, is unfit to be a nice parent.

She, therefore, the daughter of her parents, in her house assembled, appealing to her family for the acknowledgment and approval of her freedom, do in the name and by authority of herself, solemnly Publish and Declare, That she is, and right out to be FREE TO DO WHAT SHE DESIRES. And for the support of her Requests, with a firm reliance on the love of her parents, she mutually pledges to them her love and kindness.


  1. I love how you worded your post just like the actual Declaration of Independence! What is also very interesting is that you applied this to Athens as well!

  2. This is such a creative idea! It was really interesting to see how the Declaration of Independence could relate to people our own age.

  3. Cool use of the Declaration of Independence! The words you changed/added really did flow right in with the formal 18th century language. One question I had was of your title - what is the word deceleration supposed to mean in this context?


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