My Three Englishes

My Three Englishes

The funniest memories in my family have occurred when we go out to eat. This is when my Spanglish is practiced the most. At home, I speak Spanish all the time since English is hard for my parents to understand and they speak broken English but over time my brother and I have esta asking si quiere...". I start to incorporate words like "guy" and "asking" into Spanish and sometimes there is even more English in my Spanish. For my parent's broken English they say words in Spanish in an English accent and hope that people understand for example instead of strawberry jam my dad likes to say strawberry ham and for spinach, my mom always says "espinash". Some words I have even adapted from my Spanish into English, for example, I say "jigabyte" instead of "gigabyte" because that is how it is pronounced in Spanish. So one of my Englishes would have to be Spanglish but it has slowly developed into my other Englishes because it is a way that I speak. My second English would be the one that I speak with everyone around me and in public. Since of my different culture, I tend to say words funny or wrong but most of the people I have known for a while already know that. I like to believe that I am a very expressive person and my face is very easy to read, when I speak I use a lot of face and hand gestures to keep people listening to me. Even though most people would consider me quite at school, in public and with friends I tend to speak relatively loud and fast. I am also very dramatic and sarcastic when I speak in order to express my emotions better.
incorporated English into our Spanish. For example when we go out to eat and my parents do not understand what the waiter is asking I turn around and say something along the lines of "el guy te
These are some of the kids I teach
My last English would be around kids. On average I spend around 19 hours a week since my two jobs involve kids and I love to tutor and volunteer at preschools, I spend a lot of time with them. Me wanting to be a teacher inspires this passion and I have developed an English when I speak to them. I use a lot of different tones in my voice to keep them interested. I also ask them a lot of questions and I tend to be creative and silly in what I say to them. Since kids quickly repeat what you say back I have to make sure that I do not say negative words like "hate" or "sucks" and I always try to say positive things that make them happy. This is probably my favorite English because I love talking to the kids and they love making jokes. Every English I use in a different aspect of my life but they are all very important and they have made me a part of who I am. Each English I have also created and developed as I have grown and I love using each one to express to the world who I am.


  1. Adriana, this blog post was awesome. I thought it was really interesting how you talked about your Spanglish and how your parents used Spanglish as well. I am not bilingual so all of my different types of English's are actually English so it's interesting to see someone else's different English be a different a language.


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