
Showing posts from February, 2018

My Three Englishes

My Three Englishes The funniest memories in my family have occurred when we go out to eat. This is when my Spanglish is practiced the most. At home, I speak Spanish all the time since English is hard for my parents to understand and they speak broken English but over time my brother and I have esta asking si quiere...". I start to incorporate words like "guy" and "asking" into Spanish and sometimes there is even more English in my Spanish. For my parent's broken English they say words in Spanish in an English accent and hope that people understand for example instead of strawberry jam my dad likes to say strawberry ham and for spinach, my mom always says "espinash". Some words I have even adapted from my Spanish into English, for example, I say "jigabyte" instead of "gigabyte" because that is how it is pronounced in Spanish. So one of my Englishes would have to be Spanglish but it has slowly developed into my other Englis